Brain Spotting

Brainspotting is another highly effective brain/body based tool that I utilize in my psychotherapy approach. I am a Brainspotting Certified Practitioner and integrate this highly effective approach into my work with clients.  Brainspotting (BSP) was discovered by David Grand, Ph.D. in 2003. BSP makes use of the natural phenomenon of“Where we look affects how we feel”, through its use of relevant eye positions. This helps the BSP therapist to locate, focus, process and release a wide range of emotionally and bodily-based conditions.

BSP is a brain/body based therapeutic approach that is based on both the relational attunement and neurophysiological attunement of the therapist with the client. That attunement with the client creates the foundation of the healing process. David Grand believes that “BSP taps into and harnesses the body’s natural self-scanning, self-healing ability. When a Brainspot is stimulated, the deep brain appears to reflexively signal the therapist that the source of the problem has been found. BSP can also be used to find and strengthen our natural resources and resilience. BSP is designed as a therapeutic tool that can be integrated into many of the healing modalities”

As well as being highly effective in treating Trauma, BSP can be used to treat a range of other conditions including depression, anxiety, phobias and addictionsIt is possible to release trauma from either a distressed or calm place in the body. The power of BSP is that one does not necessarily have to relive the traumatic event at the same level of intensity as the original trauma. Because of this, it is possible to resolve the trauma in a more contained manner. Trauma and stress can often overwhelm the nervous system, BSP helps the client discharge the trauma and calm the nervous system.

BSP is unique from other therapeutic techniques in that it is being used not only in trauma and healing work, but also in the areas of peak performance and spiritual consciousness. BSP is helpful for working with athletes of all abilities, actors, writers, musicians, as well as with public speaking and healing physical conditions.  Meditation practices can also be enhanced through the use of Brainspotting. BSP is even more powerful when used with the enhancement of BioLateral Sound CDs.

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